Rage Against the Machine is a rap-rock band that originated during the 1990's. Lead Guitarist, Tom Morello, left his old band and visited a night-club, where he met lead singer Zack de la Rocha free-style rapping. Impressed by his rap, and by his lyric book, Morello asked him to join. Zack also suggested his long-time friend, who became the bassist, and Morello hired a friend of his, to be the drummer. Zack's original hardcore-punk band had a song "Rage Against the Machine" and named the band after it.
Rage Against the Machine's name comes from Zack's original song. 'Machine' symbolizes the government, and rage means to rebel, so the name suggest 'rebel against the government'. RATM was known for its political activism, and saw the US Government as corrupt and a lot of their songs suggest this.
Morello's guitar tabs and chords are very unique. Morello uses a 'wah wah' type of effect, and he has unique sounds that he makes from his guitar. Morello is one of the best guitarist of the 90's and probably rock music itself. With Morello's amazing guitar, good basslines and good drums, paired with Zack's rap, RATM delivers a fully energetic experience.
The most known song by RATM is probably "Bulls on Parade", as it was featured on Guitar Hero III after a 'guitar battle' with Tom Morello. Another song, "Killing in the Name of" is also on Guitar Hero II, but it's that great.
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