

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marilyn Manson

Manson is a good artist, but not many other people like him.  He takes his name from "Marilyn Monroe" and "Charles Manson", two very different people.  The mixture of the names forms a contrasting character.

Manson has been doing a lot solo work these past few years, but use to be part of a full band.

Manson's song are generally dark and considered gothic, but some of his songs are good.  "Don't Like the Drugs", "Beautiful People, "sAINT", and "Sweet Dreams" are all good songs.  My favorite is sAINT.

Manson was blamed for the Columbine shootings, and he denies that.  He says he was not the cause and that his music had nothing to do with it.  I agree with him.

Manson is seen as a devilish singer who is trying to convert everyone to Satanism.  He's not.  He just makes music and sings, it's entertainment.

Manson has a distinct persona, with white and black eyes, strange acts on stage, and lyrical choice.

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