

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Favorites

My favorite song of all time is "The Ballad of Curtis Loew" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.  It tells the story of a kid who collects bottles and turns them in for money at a store, then gives the money to a man named Curtis who then buys alchohol and plays songs on a dobro.

My favorite album is probably Back in Black, because it has some of my favorite AC/DC songs on it.  I don't listen to AC/DC much, but Back in Black definetly has some good songs on it.  It's the first album with Brian Johnson in it.

My favorite artist is Red Hot Chili Peppers, because they have a lot of really good songs and I like all of them.


Keri Rousey said...

I like that song too.

LataviaP. said...

I don't know that song but it sounds like something i would do. LOL.